Don't Let Fear of Injury or Current Pain Keep You Out of The Gym.

Sep 18, 2024

 by Corey Kissel




Are you ready to start working out, but already in pain or worried about getting hurt? 


You’re certainly not alone.


Many people come into the gym with pre-existing injuries or concerns about getting injured. The great news is that exercising safely is not only possible but necessary for long-term health and fitness.  You just need the right approach.  And here at P3 Training, our training program focus revolves around one thing and one thing only...


Pain-Free Performance.


Here’s how you can create a sustainable workout routine while mitigating risk of injury.


1. Warm Up Like You Mean It


One of the defining factors of the Pain-Free Performance Training System we utilize with our clients is the 6-Phase Dynamic Warm-Up.  Starting your workout with a proper warm-up isn’t just something we do to burn calories or pass the time.  It’s crucial.  A well-structured warm-up includes:


  1. Soft-Tissue Work
  2. Dynamic Positional Stretching
  3. Correctives/Core Developmental Work
  4. Stability Based Muscular Stimulation
  5. Functional Movement Pattern Development
  6. Central Nervous System Stimulation


These 6 components increase blood flow to your muscles, enhance mobility, provide a strong mind-muscle connection and prepare your body for more intense activity –  the training session!


2. Dial-In Technique


Improper form significantly increases your risk for injury.  Learning the correct technique for every exercise performed in the gym is a non-negotiable. If you’re unsure, talk with one of our trainers or watch some high-quality instructional videos.  Proper form ensures that you’re targeting the right musculature and not putting unnecessary strain on your joints or structural components.


 3. Create Sustainable Progress


We all want to see quick results, but ramping up too fast can come at a price.  Gradually increase the intensity, duration, and frequency of your workouts.  This gives your body time to adapt and helps avoid overuse injuries. Remember, fitness is a lifetime journey, not a quick fix.


4. Listen to Your Body


This one is extremely important, and largely intuitive. Your body will tell you when something’s off. Pain is a red flag—do not ignore it. Discomfort during a workout is one thing, but sharp or persistent pain is another. If it doesn’t feel right, stop immediately and assess the situation. There’s no real gain in pushing pain if it sidelines you for weeks…


5. Rest and Recover


Rest days are just as important as workout days. Your muscles need time to repair and grow stronger. Incorporate rest days into your routine and consider light activities like foam rolling paired with static stretching, focused mobility work, or a nice-pace walk to promote recovery.  We promote the Performance Recovery System laid out on day 7 of every single week with our Guided Access Membership training program at the gym.  Your body will thank you later!


6. Stay Hydrated


Water isn’t just for quenching your thirst—it’s essential for high-level performance and preventing cramps.  Drink water before, during, and after your workouts. Staying hydrated keeps everything running smoothly.


7. Gear Up Right


Wearing the right gear can make a world of difference. Olympic Weightlifters wear Olympic weightlifting shoes for a reason.  The non-compressible heel and metatarsal straps creating lateral stability can be the difference in the success of a lift.  You probably don’t need Olympic Weightlifting shoes, but you do need to wear the right shoe for you.  Minimalist shoes with heels that don’t have a lot of cushion are a good option to allow for the force transfer during weight training to be efficient and maintain good balance.  Wearing non-restrictive clothing is important, but you also might like certain brands and prefer colors that pair well.  If you look good, you tend to feel good and perform good too…find what works for you!


8. Strengthen Your Core


A strong core is the foundation of a strong body. It helps with stability and balance, helping to mitigate your risk of injury. Incorporate core exercises regularly into your training routine.  A solid core supports every movement you make both inside and outside of the gym


9. Perform different variations of the Fundamental Human Movement Patterns


Doing the same exercise over and over can leave your body feeling pretty beat up. Make calculated changes to your routine with a variety of variations of the Fundamental Human Movement Patterns:


  1. Squat
  2. Hinge
  3. Lunge
  4. Push
  5. Pull
  6. Carry


For instance - Barbell Back Squats can be done with a narrow stance, a wide-stance, a pause at the bottom, or even a box to drive off of from various heights.  It can also be substituted entirely with Front Squats, Zercher Squats, Safety Bar Squats, Belt Squats, Goblet Squats - I think you get the picture…


The important thing is – you’re still squatting and developing this fundamental human movement pattern across the lifespan, and that is what matters most.


We update our training routines every 4 weeks at P3 Training to keep your joints feeling fresh and body feeling good - but we always focus on developing the Fundamental Human Movement Patterns.


10. Cool Down


Just like warming up, cooling down is crucial. It helps gradually lower your heart rate and relax your muscles, preventing stiffness and promoting flexibility. Spend a few minutes at the end of your workout to cool down properly with some stretching and deep breathing to promote Parasympathetic Nervous System activity.


11. Keep Learning


Become educated on proper programming and exercise technique.  Attend workshops, read books and articles, or consult fitness professionals regularly. The more you know, the better you can improve yourself.  A growth mindset centered on constant learning as a lifelong student lends itself well in every area of life.  Health and Fitness is no exception.


By following these tips, you’ll set yourself up for a safe and effective workout routine. Injuries can be a major setback, but with the right approach, you can minimize your risk and keep making steady progress.


At P3 Training, we start new members with personal training in our On-Ramp before entering a personalized training program.  This ensures our clients learn how to properly warm-up, and exercise safely and effectively from the get-go.  Our trainers will guide you through establishing proper technique, personalized attention, and provide important safety tips tailored just for you.  This one-on-one attention helps build a solid foundation, so if you decide to enter into a group setting, or come in on your own with the Guided Access Membership, you’ll feel confident and prepared to Live Long | LIve Strong.


Ready to get started?  Click Here to schedule a No Sweat Intro!