Every Minute Matters

Oct 5, 2024

 by Corey Kissel



What if you woke up one minute earlier today than you did yesterday? 

It's just one minute. 

Do you think you'd notice much of a difference? 

What if you did that every day for the next month? 

Two months? 

You would wake up one hour earlier than you are today. 

And all you did was set your alarm for One. Minute. Earlier. each day until you reached your goal.


What if you worked out for one minute today? 

It's just one minute. 

Do you think you could focus in for 60 seconds and get your heart rate elevated?

What if you did that every day for the next month? 

Two months? 

You would be working out for one hour every single day. 

And all you did was squeeze One. More. Minute. into your schedule each day to invest in your physical health.

You see, most of us try to chase after the overnight overhauls, but usually find ourselves disappointed trying to make changes so big they are unsustainable.

If you want to make a big change, start small.


All it takes is One. Minute.


Every Minute Matters.